Improve Performance
Being a Supervisor Would be so easy if people just did what they were supposed to do! Unfortunately, or fortunately, as the supervisor, you are responsible. It is important to realize that almost all reasons for nonperformance are controlled by the supervisor or manager. Poor performance occurs because of poor supervision. If supervisors and managers took appropriate actions to make sure these reasons for poor performance are prevented or removed, the result would be satisfactory performance.
In this article, we will discuss how supervisors can effectively coach and counsel their employees for improved performance. We will also share a proven interactive management process supervisors can utilize to prevent most of the reasons why people do not do what they are supposed to do.
Preparing For the Coaching Discussion
Coaching is, in many ways, a negotiation. And, just like a negotiation session, the better you prepare, the better your chances of obtaining a favorable outcome. Consider the following questions before you begin a coaching discussion. Your answers will provide a framework for conducting a win / win interaction.
1.What is the problem ?
2.Wht is the cause of the problem ?
3.Is the employee capable ?
4.Does the employee know right from wrong ?
5.Are there rewards for nonperformance or punishments for performance ?
Suggestions for Dealing with Performance Problems
If you manage people, no matter how well you do the job, from time to time you will be challenged with performance issues.
The following tips will help you deal confidently with the Challenges.
1.Take immediate action.
2.Give Feedback Privately.
3.Remain Calm.
4.Be Consistent.
5.Correct Behaviors Selectively.
6.Remain Positive.
Coaching Intervention Models
In Working with employees experiencing performance problems, we have found two intervention
models to be effective. Both models are discussed below.
Coaching Discussion Model
The purpose of the coaching discussion is to redirect the employee’s behavior. You want the employee to stop inappropriate behavior and start demonstrating appropriate behavior. It is a two way process, a discussion. The intended purpose is for the employee to be engaged in a discussion as well. In fact the employee should be talking more than the supervisor or the manager. Using the following six steps
of the coaching discussion Model will make your coaching discussions effective.
Step 1: Help the Employee See the Existing Problem.
Step 2: Clarify the Cause of the Problem.
Step 3: Mutually Discuss Alternative Solutions.
Step 4 : Mutually Select an Alternative(s).
Step 5 : Follow Up.
Step 6 : Recognize Achievement When It Occurs.
Corrective Action Feedback Model
Unlike the Coaching Discussion Model, the Correction Action Feedback Model is not a two way discussion. While we prefer the discussion Model because tit is a two way process involving the employee in both problem identification and solutions to resolve the issue, we find that most supervisors feel more comfortable with the corrective action model. This is a “telling,” not an “asking” coaching model. In fact, in this model you actually ask employees to hold their comments and questions until you have finished presenting your information.
Step 1: Specifically Describe the Problem Behavior.
Step 2: Express Feelings about the Behavior’s Impact.
Step 3: Value the Employee.
Step 4: Specify Desired Future Behavior.
Step 5: Project Positive and Negative Outcomes.
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