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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Article about Stress Management

Benefits of Stress Management

Sales professionals who consistently win the inner game know the benefits of stress management.  They are able to make stress work fro them instead of against them.  They understand that they can use stress to get themselves in the zone.

Below is a list of time proven benefits that derive from stress management.  Check any of the benefits which you would you like to experience.  Then ask yourself. 

“What Commitments am I willing to make to achieve these benefits in my personal and professional lives ?”

  • Individual Benefits of Stress Management

  • Improved Self Image,

  • Increased Self Confidence,

  • Increased ability to focus,

  • Increased Relaxation,

  • Increased Motivation,

  • Increased Effectiveness,

  • Improved health and well being,

  • Decreased anxiety and tension levels,

  • More positive mindset.

Article about Stress Management

Organizational Benefits

  • Increased Productivity,

  • Improved decision making capabilities,

  • Improved Time Management Skills,

  • Improved Communication among co-workers,

  • Increased morale and employee motivation,

  • Decreased Absenteeism,

  • Less burnout,

  • Decreased turnover,

  • More enjoyable Place to Work.

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