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Thursday, May 18, 2023

Article About Stress Management

Stress Management and Your Positive Self

People who learn to manage stress and perform well under pressure have a better chance of keeping their negative self at bay.  It is your positive self that will help you win the inner game of selling.

People who banish distress are more likely to be…

  • Goal Oriented,

  • Aware of their psychological and physical needs, as well as the needs of others,

  • Independent thinkers who have confidence in their decisions,

  • Creative,

  • Empathic and insightful,

  • Physically fit, 
  • Involved in leisure pursuits,

  • Actively enjoying life.

Putting Things in perspective

Inner winners enjoy these benefits because they make stress management a part of their daily lives.  They know that effective stress management is as important as eating, sleeping, and exercising.  Some people rely on stress management techniques such as yoga, tai chi, transcendental mediation,. And aerobic exercise.  Others find talking with a trusted friend is an effective way to relieve stress and put things in perspective.  Another approach involves a combination of relaxation exercise, visual imagery and basic stretching. 

Benefits of Relaxation

Here is a list of some of the more well known benefits of relaxation.  Add any other benefits that you can think of and then check all that are important to you.

Article About Stress Management

  • Increased feelings of self-esteem,

  • Increased Creativity,

  • Increased ability to perform under pressure,

  • Increased clarity of thoughts,

  • Improved Mental Performance,

  • Improved Physical Performance,

  • More positive mental attitude,

  • Improved imagery skills, 

  • Improved interpersonal relations,

  • Improved Self-image,

  • Decreased blood pressure,

  • Decreased muscle tension,

  • Decreased mental tension,

  • Decreased susceptibility to illness,

  • Decreased fatigue,

  • Decreased distress.

To effectively perform under pressure.

1.     Believe in yourself and your abilities to perform in each situation.

2.    Relax first, then visualize a previous pressure filed, perfect performance.

3.   Talk to yourself in a positive manner.

4.      Know that stress and pressure are good, as long as you perceive them that way.

5.     Know that sometimes you will not get the performance you want.

That last point is important because it relieves you of a great deal of self imposed pressure.  It is wise to realize up front that you may not always have a winning performance, and if a situation does to turn out as expected, learn what you can and move on.  Better to look for the next opportunity to win than to dwell on the losses.

ne More Thought,

when you do perform well in a pressure-filled sales situation, give yourself a reward.  It doesn’t matter what it is, but treating yourself will reinforce your great performance and the good feelings that result.  This puts you in the right frame of mind to do it all again!

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