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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Article About Procrastination

Causes of Procrastination

Procrastination is a friend when it causes you to take an honest look at why you are not starting or finishing something.  This is when that still small voice within is trying to get your attention and is 
actually keeping you from taking action. Rather than continually being frustrated with inaction, this is a time when it’s important to listen.  When you do, you are practicing living success.

Procrastination is a Friend or a Enemy

Ask yourself where it is you’re procrastinating.  Take an honest look at whether your procrastination is a friend or a enemy.  If it is a friend spend some quiet time this week listening to what your still small voice is trying to tell you and reflect upon it.  Change the goal, project or task to fit who you are and what interests you.  Then, identify and take the action steps necessary to reach your new goal.

Three things of  Procrastination Occur

Procrastination usually happens when you experience these three things.

1.Being overwhelmed by the size or complexity of the task or situation.

2.Feeling inadequate or incapable of doing the project.

3.Lacking interest in the goal. 

The first two have to do with procrastination as a foe, and we will look at those another time.  The third has to do with procrastination as a friend, something we don’t often consider, and that’s what this nugget is all about.

Procrastination Article
Tips for Overwhelmed by the Size and Complexity

1.Choose a project or goal that you have been putting off because it’s overwhelming.

2.Break it down into small, manageable steps.

3.Schedule each small step into your calendar over the span of a week.

4.Mark off each small step as you complete it.

Tips for feeling inadequate or incapable of doing the project

1.Select a project that you’ve been avoiding because you’re feeling inadequate or incapable of completing the job.

2.Ask for help from a manager or someone who has expert knowledge in that area.

3.Together devise an action plan for doing the project.

For Lack of Interest a Good Counseling or training is given.

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