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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Article About Brainstorming Process

Brainstorming Effectively

The following tips will help you use brainstorming to generate possible solutions to problems

1. List all ideas generated by the group.

Encourage group members to contribute their ideas, even if they think that they may not be workable solutions to the problem.  To ensure that everyone is heard, only one person speaks at a time.

2. Welcome Creatively.

“Off-the-wall” suggestions and comments may seem completely off target, but may provide other
participants the stimulus for generating a workable solution.  Off-the-wall suggestions are often the
jumping off point for devising novel solutions to complex problems.

3. Make No Evaluation

Participants must not dismiss, criticize, evaluate, or judge team members contributions during
this phase of the brainstorming process.  Insist that each participant listens openly to the contributions of others.

4. Limit Discussion.

The intent of the brainstorming process is to generate ideas.  Do not discuss ideas at this point as it slows down and limits the brainstorming process.  Discussion should only occur when another participants need clarification on a particular idea.

Brainstorming Effectively

5. Encourage Contributions.

The more ideas participants contribute, the more likely it is that a workable solution will be devised.  Continue to list participants ideas.  Duplicates can be deleted later.  If the group needs stimulus to
continue generating ideas, think of the five W’s and H-Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

6. Record ideas

Designate a recorder to write down all ideas generated, preferably on a flip chart or chalkboard so that participants can easily see all suggested solutions.

7. Rest On Decision.

Once consensus is reached and a decision made, take some time to “sleep on” the decision.  What seems like a novel solution to a complex problem today may not meet the needs of all concerned tomorrow.  It is best to take some time so that participants and others affected by the decision have the opportunity to think through the aspects of the proposed solution.

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