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Sunday, May 21, 2023

Accept the Best

Accepting Your Good

In order to use creative visualization to create what you want in life, you must be willing and able to accept the best that life has to offer you your “good”.

Basic Belief

Strange as it may seem, many of us have difficulty accepting the possibility of having what we want in life.  This usually stems from some basic feelings of unworthiness which we took on at a very early age.  The basic belief goes something like this “I’m really not a very good (loveable, worthwhile) person so I don’t deserve to have the best.”

Wonderful Circumstances

This belief is usually mixed with other, sometimes contradictory feelings that you really are perfectly good and deserving.  But if you find that you have any difficulty imagining yourself in the most wonderful possible circumstances, or that you have thoughts like “I could never have that” or “That couldn’t possibly happen to me,” it might be well to take a good look at your self-image.

Different Situations

You self-image is the way you see yourself, how you feel about yourself.  It is often complex and multifaceted.  To get in touch with different aspects of your self image begin to ask yourself “How do I feel about myself right now ?” At various times throughout the day, and in various different situations.  Just begin to notice what kinds of ideas or images you hold in mind about yourself at different times.

Deserve the Best

One very interesting thing to do is to get in touch with your physical images of yourself by asking “How do I look to myself right now ?” If you find yourself feeling awkward, ugly, fat, skinny, too big, too small, or whatever, it may be a clue to the fact that you aren’t loving yourself enough to give yourself what you truly deserve the best.  It is often astounding to me to discover how many perfectly beautiful, attractive people frequently think of themselves as ugly, unworthy, undeserving.

Every Opportunity

Affirmations and creative visualization are a wonderful way of creating a more positive and loving self image.  Once you get in touch with the ways in which you are not loving yourself, begin to take every opportunity to tell yourself positive, appreciative, loving things.  Notice when you are being mentally harsh or  critical with yourself, and consciously begin being kinder and more appreciative.  You will find this immediately helps you to be more loving towards others, as well.

Grow and Develop

Think of specific qualities that you do appreciate about yourself.  In the same way that you can love a good friend while clearly seeing his or her faults and shortcomings, you can love yourself for all that you truly are, while still being aware that there are ways you need to grow and develop.  It feels very good to do this for yourself, and it can really work wonders in your life.

Accept the Best

Begin to tell Yourself :

  • I am beautiful and lovable.
  • I am kind and loving, and I have a great deal to share with others,
  • I am talented, intelligent and creative,
  • I am growing more and more attractive every day,
  • I deserve the very best in life,
  • I have a lot to offer and everyone recognizes it,
  • I love the world and the world loves me,
  • I am willing to be happy and successful.

Or whatever words seem appropriate and helpful to you.

It is often very effective to do this type of affirmation in the second person using your own name.

“Susan, you are a brilliant and interesting person.  I like you very much” or

“John, you are so warm and loving.  People really appreciate that about you.”

This way of talking directly to yourself is especially effective because much of our negative self image comes from being conceived in various ways at an early age by other people that we are bad, stupid, or inadequate in some way.

Giving Love to Yourself

Try to picture yourself as clearly as you can, and think of giving love to yourself, the same way you would to anyone else you care for.  You might think of it as the parent in you giving love and appreciation to the child in you. 

Tell yourself :

“I love you.  You are a very beautiful person.  I appreciate your sensitivity and honesty.”


visualization is a great way to work on any physical problems you may feel you have. 

Two Things Simultaneously

For example if you feel you are too fat, you need to work on two things simultaneously :

1.Though affirmations and loving energy, start learning to love and appreciate yourself
more as you already are. 

2.Through creative visualization and affirmations, start creating yourself as you want to be slim, trim, healthy, and happy.  These techniques are extremely effective in making real changes.

Two Techniques

These same two techniques hold true for working on any “Problem” in the way you see yourself. 

Remember, you are a new person at every new moment.  Every day is a new day, and each one is an opportunity to realize the wonderful, loving and lovable person you truly are.

In addition to improving, you self image, it is valuable to do affirmations about opening up to and accepting the good ness of the universe.

For example :

I am open to receiving the blessings of this abundant universe.

Everything good is coming to me easily and effortlessly (any word you want can be substituted for everything good, i.e., love, prosperity, creativity, a perfect relationship).

I accept my good, which is flowing to me here and now.

I deserve the best and the best is coming to me now.

The more I receive the more I have to give.

Here is a meditation you can do to improve your self esteem and increase your capacity to handle the love and energy that the universe is ready and eager to flow in your direction.

Self Appreciation Meditation

Imagine yourself in some everyday situation, and picture someone (may be someone you know, or a
stranger) looking at you with great love and admiration and telling you something they really like about you. 
Now picture a few more people coming up and agreeing that you are a very wonderful person If this embarrasses you, stick with it.) Imagine more and more people arriving and gazing at you with tremendous love and respect in their eyes.  Picture yourself in a parade or on a stage, with throngs of cheering, applauding people, all loving and appreciating you.  Hear their applause ringing in your ears.  Stand up and take a bow, and thank them for their support and appreciation.

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